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OLS INSIDER - Q1 2023 Newsletter

OLS InsiderTABLE OF CONTENTS Banner 2023 (1)









Hello Team OLS! It is hard to believe the first quarter of 2023 will soon come to a close. This year started with some tough weather conditions for many of our locations. While I am still optimistic about our growth potential for 2023, we have some ground to make-up after a slower than expected start.

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As you know, one of our 2023 key priorities is getting employees access to better/faster data - our NetSuite implementation is a big part of making this happen. We need you to see how we are performing against our 2023 budget so you can make informed decisions and bring forward ideas to help drive our growth. Expect to see more regular communications from me with updates on our performance, progress toward our priorities and any other topics I believe will help us move the dial. 

At OLS, we are in a constant state of motion. Change is part of how we continually improve and evolve. I know this can make it easy to lose sight of our goals and priorities. To retain our focus, remember to keep working on your daily/weekly/monthly goals. Keep meeting - keep working hard and we will build the positive momentum needed to take this company, and each other, to the highest level.


Do you have a question you would like to ask Brian Price? Click below, fill out the form and it could be highlighted in the next newsletter.


Fortitude Hall of Fame Banner 2023


Congratulations for being inducted into the Fortitude Hall of Fame for the months of January, February and March! If you haven't received your Fortitude pin, look for it in the mail soon.

  • Brandon Loomis | Bedrock Landscape Supply - Las Vegas, NV

  • Lesley Holdbrooks | Stone Center | Landscape & Masonry - Roswell, GA

  • Heidy Portillo | Nova Stone | Landscape & Masonry - Ashburn, VA

  • Kamele Donaldson | Geobunga - Honolulu, HI

  • Jimmie Hester | Outdoor Living Supply

  • Mark Wilson | Bedrock Landscape Supply - Las Vegas, NV

  • Stephany Bringgold | Outdoor Living Supply

  • Kathy Granger | Outdoor Living Supply

  • Tim Huinker | Outdoor Living Supply

  • Charlee Fotheringham | Bedrock Landscape Supply - Las Vegas, NV

  • Doug Sodetani | Geobunga - Honolulu, HI

  • Richard Corbin | Stone Center | Landscape & Masonry - Greenville, SC

  • Brian Williams | Stone Center | Landscape & Masonry - Charlotte, NC

  • Logan Holmes | Stone Center | Landscape & Masonry - Charlotte, NC

  • Rose Wolfe | Geobunga - Honolulu, HI
  • Matthew Yancey | Stone Center | Landscape & Masonry - Durham, NC

Nominate a coworker you believe embodies and / or lives out our core values of FORTITUDE (Fun, Optimism, Respect, Teamwork, Integrity, Trust, Unity, Drive, and Empowerment). Nominated team members will be recognized in our OLS Insider newsletter and be entered into a raffle for a chance to win super cool swag.*

*Drawing to take place 12/13/2023.

HUMAN RESOURCES Banner 2023 (1)

ADP Comprehensive Services are here! We are so excited to announce that we now have access to even more tools and benefits that will help us support the organization and you.

We would like to introduce you to two NEW benefits we are able to offer all Outdoor Living Supply employees as a result of our partnership with ADP: LifeMart® Discounts and LifeCare®.

LifeMart Discounts gives you access to a wide variety of discounts from computers & electronics, theme parks, flights, cruises, car rentals, hotels and more!

Through LifeCare you gain access to services that can help you with common life challenges you might face such as childcare and parenting, senior care and aging, emotional health, health and wellness, legal and financial.

Learn more about these great programs by logging into your ADP Portal. Click "Resources" and then navigate to the "My Tools" page where you can select the LifeMart® or LifeCare® links. Additional information is also available via the buttons below.



401(k) Contribution Limits for 2023. You can now contribute up to $22,500 per year into your 401(k). If you're age 50 or older, you're eligible for an additional $7,500 in catch-up contributions.

To start your contribution, or to make an adjustment to your contribution, log into Workforce Now Employee Self-Service*website or ADP Mobile App.

Workforce Now Employee Self-Service website. Go to Myself> Benefits> Retirement Saving> Contributions >Change My Contribution Amount.

ADP Mobile App. Go to Recommended > Retirement > Contributions> Edit.

HSA Contribution Limits for 2023. Eligible employees with an HSA–eligible health plan can contribute up to $3,850 for self-only coverage and $7,750 for family coverage. Those 55 and older can contribute an additional $1,000 as a catch-up contribution.

To start your contribution or to make an adjustment to your contribution, contact HR or email

Benefit Plan Documents are now available on the OLS Intranet. Plan documents have been posted under Human Resources >Human Resources Quick Links >Benefit Documents. The documents posted describe the plan participants' rights, benefits and obligations within each of the plans.

Please reach out to HR with any questions on your insurance benefit program. 


Have employment, benefits or payroll questions? Please visit the Human Resources Intranet page or click here. 

PRODUCT & TRAINING Banner 2023 (2)

Nicolock-Logo-Light-BGOur hardscape portfolio is growing! We are excited to introduce Nicolock Paving Stones, Retaining Walls, and Outdoor Living products at Woodward Landscape Supply and Stone Center | Landscape & Masonry - Bridgewater, NJ.

2020-09-28-1024x209 We are excited to announce our new partnership with Daltile Exterior program! For information on our offering, please visit the Product Intranet page.

Snag_4961efe3Slate Chips are gaining traction in the market. Blue, gray and black in color with a natural cleft texture, slate chips are great alternative to mulch. Offered in six sizes (3/4" - 1 1/2" to 1/8" - dust). 

Snag_52a2db4fOur new private label brand offers customers, wanting to incorporate the beauty of bluestone, an affordable option. A select number of our Eastern stores are now carrying Noble Bluestone pattern, treads, slabs, caps and steps.

The training schedule is off to a great start with the launch of Golden Vale Synthetic Turf and the OLS Master Series trainings in Georgia, North & South Carolina, Northern Virginia and New Jersey! Branches had the opportunity to learn more about Golden Vale Synthetic Turf™, outdoor lighting, paver and wall selection, stone veneers and porcelain. The Master Series will continue at our western branches in April.


We also had successful contractor hands-on training events at Stone Center | Landscape & Masonry - Duluth, GA, and Stone Garden along with a one-year anniversary event at Woodward Landscape Supply. Contractors were able to participate in hands-on training and demonstrations that resulted in permanent in-ground displays and network with our key vendor partners.

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Check out the OLS Academy newest series on our YouTube channel: Segmental Retaining Wall System overview and Golden Vale Synthetic Turf Installation. 

Have product or training questions? Please visit the Product & Training Intranet page or click here.


thumbnail_image-1Don't forget to complete your IT Security Awareness Training. On March 8th, all employees were enrolled via email in this training through Phishline. This helps us protect OLS' data, systems, and networks from malicious attacks and cyber threats. 

If you haven't received this email, please take a few moments to complete this brief training at your earliest convenience by clicking the button below.

A big THANK YOU to all of the teams that have helped us get NetSuite off the ground. Five locations have successfully onboarded - LandCare Stone in Madbury, NH, Stratham Hill Stone in Stratham, NH, Back Yard Living in Abington, MA, Stone Garden in Wilmington, NC, and Norristown Brick in Norristown, PA. 

In the month of April, four West Coast stores and Landscapers Depot in Kingston, NH, will be going live. All Sage locations are set to go live in June. Please talk to your local management about training opportunities. 

Canva Design DAFegdcgl0Q-1IT PRO TIP: Plug ALL your IT equipment (PCs, registers, servers, internet boxes, switches, etc.) into surge protectors. Any simple power surge caused by spring storms can take your stores out of commission. Stay protected!

Have IT questions or contact Resultant for troubleshooting? Please visit the IT Intranet page or click here.

MARKETING Banner 2023 (1)

Have marketing questions or ideas you want to discuss? Please visit the Marketing Intranet page or click here.

EVENTS Banner 2023 (1)

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Happy work anniversary! We are so lucky to have you!

  • January: 1 Year | Nathan Augestad, Brian Knotts, Scott Allen, Steven Baker, Brian Townsend, Kate Craig, Stephany Bringgold, Pedro Losa, Ashley Alvarez and Gregory Meeks. 2 Years | Robert Platt. 3 Years | Matthew Nero. 24 Years | Jeffrey Belke and Nina Brown. 30 Years | Mary Popin.

  • February: 1 Year | Ryan Jones, Pedro Rodriguez, Beth Leith and Tim Huinker. 2 Years | Brian Reilly, Alexi Garcia Zelaya and Daniela Olvera Martinez. 3 Years | Courtney Coyne, Martin Lipira and Gary Friars. 5 Years | Rose Wolfe and Jack Bell. 6 Years | Mario Vega, Luis Nunez Nazario and Heidy Portillo. 7 Years | Lenny Mastrogiacomo. 9 Years | Roland Cormier. 12 Years | James Ingraham. 13 Years | Amy Corsi and Noma Bareng. 16 Years | Daniel Speight. 17 Years | Scott Walker. 18 Years | Luis Santos and Shawn Simoneau. 20 Years | Emily Damasco and Patrick A. Lynn. 22 Years | Victor Quiros. 23 Years | James Sparano.

  • March: 1 Year | Timothy Miller, Adria Cheney, Dane Kempf, Liliana Granda Schulz, Paul Kasmenn, Elizabeth Reese, Nathaniel White, Ronald White, Joe Mankus, Jason Smith, George Ellison, Nicholas Woodward, Cameron Hall and Robert Marshall. 2 Years | Roberto Jimenez Estepan, Andruw Reyes, Steven Nava, Caleb Chew, Tanita Dedrick and Rebecca Heins. 3 Years | Don Spendlove, Aline Alzime and Elvin Sanchez. 5 Years | Jared Waite and Layla Dedrick. 6 Years | Brandon Jackson, Joshua Gilman and Matthew Kardos. 7 Years | Arthur Randlett. 8 Years | Patricia Sylvester, Mike Steban, Mary Mullen and Barry Riddle. 9 Years | Garrett Ingraham and Anival Menjivar. 10 Years | Danielle Lenhart, Barry Shaw, Juan Alvarado and Elvin Diaz. 15 Years | Chad Daniel, Estevan Nava, Andrew Scheer, Jason Nichols, DR Mintz Jr. and Daniel Authier. 16 Years | Justin Santonastaso and Frank Lanciano Jr. 20 Years | Manuel Calderon and Charles Ballard. 25 Years | William Demko. 31 Years | Daniel Gordon and Amy Trafton.

Wishing you a great birthday!

  • January: Liliana Schulz, Paul O'Donnell, Gary Friars, Paul Kasmenn, Jonathan Mayer, Paul Schofield, Zak Corsi, Tanita Dedrick, Elisabeth Kimmey, Woody Delong, Roberto Estepan, Ryan Shaw, Steve Boone, Harry Brown, Kevin Hakun, Candice Sanchez, Steven Baker, Robert Mellor, Patricia Byers, Matthew Gibbs, Jim Ingraham, Beth Leith, Robert Dunn, Luis Santos, Bill Albertson, Robert Platt, Arthur Gaskill, Amy Tafton, Harley Bonnell and Kailex Welch.
  • February: Lenny Mastrogiacomo, Tyler Watt, Cindy Jones, Jessica Short, Nina Brown, Gary Home, Thomas Batchelder, John Oliver, Justin Santonastaso, Rick Wetherbee, Mike Bloemsma, Derek, Pengitore, Cameron Hall and Russell Lyons.
  • March: Robert McCormack, James Sprano, Donald Knight, Daniel Garcia-Gonzalez, Mark Lapham, Pat Lynn, Sarah Hagen, Kimberly Bruton, Justin Hail, Frank Hilkert, Dina Brickey, Sarah Tolzmann, Shane Starry, Benito Espindola, Brandon Loomis, Jim Ryman, Philip McGee, Jared Waite, Melissa Wentworth, Andrew Marcinek, Jonathan McIntyre, Alan Collens, Jordan Haines, Barry Shaw and Elizabeth Reese.